16 November, 2008


最早關於加拿大華人的紀錄可以追溯到1788年。19世紀,早期的華人被運送到加拿大做廉價勞力修建加拿大鐵路,開礦或擔負其他低下的工作。由於工作環境惡劣,且遭到白人歧視,不少人死于飢餓、勞累、工傷、謀殺。加拿大鐵路完工,數以千計的中國勞工被辭退,大量中國廉價勞工充斥加拿大,被指責擾亂勞動力市場秩序。由於早期移民主要是廣東一帶的底層百姓,生活所迫,爲了讓家人有生存的機會,越來越多的華人開始移民加拿大,做廉價勞工。1885年,加拿大政府開始向華人移民徵收人頭稅(headtax),這是加拿大境内唯一一個被徵收該稅項的少數族裔。這一稅項,從一開始的50加幣,一直升到了500加幣。該稅項不僅向新移民徵收,還要追溯已經定居加拿大的所有華裔。1923年,加拿大政府更是設立了《華人移民法案》(Chinese Exclusion Act),徹底禁止華人移民。當時的唐人街,可以被形容為單身社區,因爲這些青壯勞動力隻身前來加拿大,而一家老小依然留在中國。禁止移民,徹底把很多華人生生分隔兩地。



因爲沒有任何信息渠道,我沒有能夠出席在Edmonton當地的陣亡將士紀念日的紀念活動,不過十一點前,我準時打開了收音機,收聽廣播電臺直播的在加拿大首都渥太華舉行的加拿大陣亡將士紀念活動。今年的儀式還特別請加拿大唯一在世的經歷過一戰的106嵗老兵John Babcock傳遞火炬並寄語紀念儀式。廣播背景中可以聽到隆隆的禮炮間隔性的轟鳴聲。
下午看了許多CBC關於全國各地陣亡將士紀念活動的報導。最完整的影音資料來自溫哥華。在那裏的唐人街,很多華裔老兵出席了紀念活動。不少年輕的華裔也前來悼念陣亡將士。CBC有一個影像文件是介紹二戰老兵Frank Wong的從軍經歷。他提到作爲華裔加拿大人,在早期沒有合法的公民地位,被人看不起。他是因爲希望為自己的國家做一些實實在在的貢獻來換取華人在加拿大的真正認可而積極報名從軍的。戰後一年多,他們全家獲得正式加拿大公民身份。在此次紀念活動的採訪中,在溫哥華採訪的記者曾經試圖提及本國在早期對於華人社區的歧視,不過話題剛開了一個頭,電視信號中斷,這一部分節目沒有能夠繼續完成。
在加拿大,很多人都會非常關注陣亡將士紀念日,甚至提前一個多星期胸口佩戴捐助老兵基金獲得的仿製罌粟花以紀念慘烈的一戰、二戰和其他很多重要的戰爭。而在Edmonton,公交車的報站顯示牌也於一周前打出“以免我們忘記 (Lest we forget)”的標語(該標語是紀念日的常用標語之一)。不過在中國,似乎現在很少有人如此長期地、自發地、真誠地而又懷有敬意地去回想我們的歷史。“以史為鋻”是中國人最常說的,卻未必是最常做的。

Today is Remembrance Day 2008, the 90th anniversary of the end of WWI. Around Canada and world, celebrations are held in memory of the end of the ridiculous war and the lives of thousands of innocent people died during the war.
I didn’t attend the ceremony held in Edmonton as a lack of information. However, at around 11 o’clock, I listened to the radio for the remembrance service held in Ottawa and watched TV programmes from CBC on ceremonies held around Canada.
The programme of the service in the British Columbia is the most complete version. I can see a lot of Chinese descendants there servicing Canada’s army. Frank Wong, the son of a shop keeper and a veteran of the WWII, told the reporter about his experience to win the respect and the equal rights of Canadian Chinese citizen by serving the army.
In Ottawa, the only surviving veteran John Babcock who was in uniform during the WWI passed the torch of remembrance to a veteran of WWII, a torch then passed to a veteran of Korean War, a peacekeeper who served in the Middle East and a soldier who fought in Afghanistan.
Every year, it’s time for the veterans and soldiers to bring memories of their late comrades and friends in the war. It is also time for people living in the new era to remember the heroes and heroines who brought the peace and who are devoted to end all war forever.
I didn’t attend the ceremonies in person, but I get the information that is conveyed by the remembrance service.
Lest we forget.

07 November, 2008

陣亡將士紀念日(Remembrance Day)及罌粟花(Poppy flower)

陣亡將士紀念日是英聯邦國家紀念在第一次世界大戰陣亡將士的節日,訂立於每年11月11日。在世界其他一些國家也有類似的紀念日,如美國的退伍軍人日(Veteran Day),法國的停戰日(Armistice Day)等。而在南非和馬耳他則使用罌粟花日(Poppy Day)的稱謂。
佩戴在人們胸前的紅花就是罌粟花。將陣亡將士紀念日和罌粟花聯係在一起源于加拿大軍醫John McCrae的一首詩《在法蘭德斯戰場》(In Flanders Fields)。法蘭德斯,這個一戰中戰況最慘烈的戰場之一,盛開罌粟花。紅色的罌粟花象徵著陣亡戰士的鮮血。

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

— Lt.-Col. John McCrae

17 October, 2008

A Brief Review on the Current Financial Crisis (I)

Many people like to compare the current financial crisis and the Great Depression in 1930s. However, what we are facing is a much different version from many aspects. In this severe crisis, what is definitely of great value is our deeper understanding on our past wrong conceptions.
A brief review on the current crisis can be traced to the Greenspan’s age. After the fast development in the 1990s, financial institutions began to pursue higher profits by bearing higher risks. The risky desire located itself on the strategy to encourage people with imperfect credit history to purchase houses by taking mortgages with higher interests. As years of practice, with the help of the securitization, financial institutions discovered that it seemed quite safe to securitize those mortgages into Mortgages Backed Securities (MBS). Through this practice, financial institutions could get sufficient funds from MBS to support their loans towards the mortgage takers while using the cash flow from the interests of the mortgages to pay back the return for the MBS. However, the obvious mismatch between the asset and liability didn’t raise enough attention. The mortgages are long-term investment for financial institutions, while the MBS are usually short-term. If default rate of the mortgages becomes very high, financial institutions won’t be able to pay back the returns and principals of the MBS investors. Nonetheless, the seemingly prosperous world economy didn’t allow the elite to give the potential risk a second thought. This was even blessed by the deregulation of the financial sector under the reign of Alan Greenspan.
The up-and-down cycle finally turned to its dark side. When the house owners discovered that they were not able to clear the mortgages they had taken and more and more defaults occurred, the nightmare started. The drying up of the cash flow made the payment for the MBS difficult. What’s more, the financial institutions discovered that they had made another mistake, issuing credit default swaps. The credit default swaps are designed to insure the case when the third party’s (mortgage takers) default. For those MBS investors, buying credit default swaps may be a good idea in case that the mortgage takers defaulted. For financial institutions, they might take the long position of the swaps as a kind of insurance as well. Nonetheless, betting on the positive economic development and pursuing a higher profit, they took the short position; i.e. they are going to pay the investors if those mortgage takers default. Now stories became complex. The sudden turn of the housing market led doubled losses. Financial institutions had to pay the investors not only for the MBS but also for the swaps out of limited income streams. That was the end of the pride of those elite. They began to face the real trouble.
When the trouble spread from the housing market to the financial market, it could not be controlled easily any more. The financial markets nowadays are so interdependent that any fault in the chain may cause the dysfunction of the whole. Obviously the securitization was overused in the financial industry worldwide and the problem starting from the housing issue of the US became a global concern. Stock markets became so trembling that the confidence in the market was lost. This was the time for the test of hypothesis of “perfect arbitrage”. The perfect arbitrage is believed to be the base of modern financial markets, a hypothesis different pricing methods of financial instruments established. One example can show the profound influence of this hypothesis; Robert Merton, the 1997 Nobel Prize laureate, was awarded for his paper on “option pricing” which is deeply based on the perfect arbitrage assumption. According to the perfect arbitrage assumption, whenever the asset price seriously deviated from the true price, the arbitrageurs will fully take advantage of the opportunities to gain the arbitrage profit and correct the mispricing resulting from their arbitrage behavior. If it was true under no conditions, we would not see the Asian Financial Crisis in 1998 and would not see the messy financial markets today. In The Limits of Arbitrage, Andrei Shleifer pointed out the weakness of the perfect arbitrage assumption. The long-term capital management was the case to prove this point. When the market is full of panic atmosphere, arbitrage may not happen leaving the free fall of the asset price. That is what we are talking now; when everyone loses confidence in the market, who dares to put money into the market again?

18 September, 2008

The Unframed Financial Market

The Wall Street in the past one week became the only focus of the world. The de facto nationalization of the Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and AIG, the failure of Lehman Brothers, and the buy-up of Merrill Lynch are so dramatic that the global financial sectors become confused about the future of the development.
The US government adopted different measures case by case, an action failing all kinds of predictions and displaying no explicit criteria. However, what Ben Bernanke and Hank Paulson are thinking is not how to follow the rules that have ever been laid down, but how to find the best solution to keep the US future advantage and position in the global financial arena, thus supporting the US role as the only hegemon in the world. The US never needs rules to limit its behavior.
Due to this unframed global structure, people can always cheer for the great creativity that the big brother exerts when facing the difficulties as long as there are sufficient financial and human resources support. However, few people really have the interest in pointing out the dangerous when the big brother is walking towards the precipice after lingering in the safety area for quite a long time.
The financial crisis has not reached its bottom. There is no much prediction on what the future would be. However, one thing is for sure that many graduates this year will have a hard time.

06 September, 2008

A Lonely Journey with Friends

This is a lonely journey of me and my shadow. This is also a wonderful journey with all my friends who invited me to our shared experience.

The Lonely Journey
When the flight finally arrived at Ankara International Airport, I found myself lost in an alien country where most people do not speak the languages I use. When I strove to get to the dormitory and slept for hours to recover from the jet leg, I was surprised to find that the sun was still in the sky at 19:30 and the menu in the campus restaurant was written in something that by no means could I understand. Fortunately, this was not totally unfamiliar to me. Four years ago, English and Chinese characters could be some kind of supplements for me to communicate with Japanese people in Fukouka. Two years ago, Mandarin and English could help me to survive in Hong Kong though I wasn’t able to speak Cantonese at that time. But this time, it is tougher.
As a very special country connects Asia and Europe, Turkey always presents a mysterious culture to me, from the huge Muslim community to the mysterious Huns descendants, from the historically great Constantinople to the current splendid Istanbul.
To explore this wonderful country, I set off my journey since the second day of my arrival. It was a lonely journey of me and my shadow. In the following a month and a half, I used all my free time to travel, from Ankara to Antalya, from Cappadocia to Izmir, and from Pamukkale to Istanbul. This journey was not merely a sight-seeing tour. It was my adventure of the culture, history, nature and people.
I seldom travel with agencies. Usually such journey can be more flexible and amazing. When I arrived in Izmir in the early morning, the quiet Aegean Sea patted this historical city gently. Some people were fishing near the Republic Square after the celebration of Turkish soccer victory against Croatia in the EURO 2008 the previous night. A middle-aged man even slept on the bench, covered with the national flag. As the sun rose, the city woke up. In one of the most traditional Bazzar in the country, people were bargaining for anything attracted them. A variety of stores gathered in this region with several blocks long and wide. Compared with the ancient Agora (old bazzar) hundreds of years ago two streets away, the history similarizes itself. When ancestors invented the markets for goods exchange and expanded them to a large scale, they never expected that their descendants centuries later would lived in the same way as they did, though many of the goods exchanged were quite different. Standing on the wall of the castle Kadifekale established by the Alexander the Great and overlooking the Aegean Sea and the whole city of Izmir, I could feel the proud of the great emperor, conqueror, and adventurer.
People, the market and the castle displayed different angles of the city. Tour is just the appearance of the travelling, and the essence is the desire for adventure which in turn presents you a complex world.
During my adventure in Turkey, I’ve met people of different nationality, and with different stories. One of my Poland friends shouted angrily towards a waiter who tried to sell the drinks to him using Russian in Antalya where 99% of the tourists are from Russia. “Here, no one speaks Russian.” This was the natural response from the hearts of many Poles in the contemporary world. It is also not surprising when I met a family from Palestine who complained to me that Israel’s ruling over Palestine was terrible and sadly recalled the lost of their house just one month after the marriage of the grandmother. “Many Palestinians still keep their keys to their old house… My furniture was still in the original order as it was for my marriage sixty years ago when Israel host allowed me to pay a visit in 2005.” The 80-year-old Palestinian grandmother recalled the experience full of sadness. It is even quite understandable when a Kuwaiti was scared to travel in Iraq and two Iraqi engineers were complaining the military occupation of the United States.
My adventure in Turkey brought me not only the idea of what Turkey is but also the movie sections of what the world is. The adventure does not provide me with the exact answer toward the questions around the world. However, it presents me all the possibilities and arouses my interest in exploring more and try to understand a problem through more angles.

The Journey with Friends
Emre was the first colleague I knew since I entered the TOBB. He was an intern in TOBB and we shared the table. We both had a lot of work to do. He was quite experienced in conference reception and Turkish news summaries, and I was working on the English document summaries, album illustration edition and some paper work. Whenever we had some time in the afternoon, we talked a lot from politics to religion, from customs to anecdotes. The second day we met, he invited me to his flat where several other students in his university shared the rooms. It is not common for Chinese people to invite unfamiliar people home. However, it is a normal practice in Turkey as I gradually discovered in the following one month and a half.
The visit to Emre’s home proved to be just a start for me to visit them and live with them. We five boys had a good balance point in discussing political and social issues and the EURO 2008 as well. During my stay in Turkey, the political challenges against AKP, the ruling party, the arrest of several military generals and the president of ATO and the EURO 2008 were the most important and heated-discussed issues in Turkey. I was fortunate to have Turkish friends with me to know more about the local views on these issues. Especially for my one-week intern in ATO later, just one week after the arrest of the president, I lived with Emre and his friends who gave me support to understand the structure and nature of ATO and help me to relieve my anxiety when my boss gave me a seemingly challenging business order.
At the end of June, I was invited to Eskişehir, the hometown of Emre to attend a wedding ceremony of his relative. This is my first time to meet such a huge relative network. In the wedding party, the whole hall with more than 100 desks were full of guests. Relatives come from this table to that table to greet each other. When I asked how could the bridegroom and bride afford such wedding, I was surprised to know that most of the relatives would present some small gold coins or bracelets as gift. The newly married couple would sell some of those gifts to finance the wedding.
In the following two days I spent with Emre’s family, I had good chances to see the daily life of a typical Turkish family. For the family breadfast, the whole family were laughing at my “strange idea” of the “balcony of belly” since Turkish people have got used to the bulky abdomen. I was also delighted to know that I looks alike the grandfather of Emre’s aunt, a descendent of Tartar. Before I left Eskişehir, I purchased some dessert for Emre’s parents, they were so delighted that his father repeatedly use his broken English to express his appreciation, “you not forget here.” Finally, I became their Chinese son, younger brother of Emre and elder brother of Murat.
During my stay in Turkey, so many people had wonderful days and nights with me. I will never forget the owner of a small restaurant Güneydoğu who had made two delicious dinners for me and told me that I was the first one in his life to communicate with him as a guest. I will also keep contact with the 16-year-old clever Russian boy who wanted to know different culture and business behavior by travelling around the world for future business and claimed to hire me if I would become a famous economist. I will remember in my life the wonderful pictures I’ve taken with a group of young Turkish soldiers in Pamukkale. When they said that they loved China, their eyes sparkled light.

My journey in Turkey is a special one. I adventured in this wonderful country with my shadow and my friends.


故事的有一個緊張的開篇。這一次去Göreme的長途汽車在淩晨1:30分發車,所以週五晚上就去Emre家休息片刻。12:40從他們家出發前往AŞTİ。他們家離AK Party的總部很近,剛出他們家門,就看到一群警察聚集在AK Party的總部檢查過往車輛,AK Party總部的門口警衛也比較森嚴,讓人不禁想起週二逮捕那一批預謀政變者的事件。走到附近的Amarda廣場,周圍沒有行人,警衛緊張地看了看我,站在那裏一動不動;我繼續走在廣場上,離我20米遠的小太陽突然閃亮,照耀在整個停車場上。離我15米遠的幾輛小巴車的後面,傳來了警察通常配備的對講機的聲音,但是我完全看不見人。一陣寒氣向我襲來。難道他們今晚有動作?這是我第一個反應。我不敢回頭看,深怕一回頭看見漆黑的槍眼。低著頭,趕緊走。漸漸對講機的聲音越來越遠,我終于走出了Amarda廣場,小太陽一下子熄滅了。我這才松了一口氣。
這一試不要緊,卻一下又一鬆手,在旅行團費用之外,又送了旅行社250Lira的清晨熱氣球活動的報名費。天哪!我什麽時候那麽大方!確實,這幾乎要了我兩個星期在TOBB的工資。一個小時的熱氣球活動,真的值那麽多麽?也許吧?!畢竟《Lonely Planet》上也有介紹Cappadocia的熱氣球活動值得一試。而眼前的這位旅行社導遊也似乎並不是那麽喜歡忽悠人的那種。轉念一想,人生有幾次熱氣球旅行呢?不在今朝,更待何時?突然覺得自己也變得豪放起來。
而在Derinkuyu地下城的參觀幾乎令人驚嘆。28層的地下城,雖然只允許遊客進入到第7層,但是那巨大的規模,以及齊全的設施佈局令人驚嘆。據説,人們在遇到威脅的時候通常可以在這樣的地下城呆上 一個月,等威脅過後在離開。地下城的大門通常是用圓形的大圓石像退移門一樣關上之後,再用些石塊堵住。當地曾有電視直播關上地下城的大門,在現代的技術下,竟花了七個小時才能夠撬開!

這位俄羅斯少年名叫Vagiz Duseev,是我在Göreme的旅館裏遇到的。他和他的家人前來旅行。儅我得知他只有16嵗,但是卻遊歷了大多數的中亞、東歐國家以及很多歐洲國家,我不禁對少年的初衷感到好奇。他告訴我:“我要做一個好的商人,遊歷這些國家,可以使我了解他們做生意的方式。”爲此他還會努力學習旅行國家的語言,這次來土耳其,他花了兩個月學土耳其語。基本上可以和當地人進行聊天!
下個星期要去Ankara Sanayi Odası工作,所以週五離別時,和幾個哈薩克實習生互換聯係方式。沒料到,他們也都是只使用俄語的程序非常不方便。我在想,爲什麽俄羅斯人和前蘇聯的一些國家永遠都走不出原來的框框,融入到世界的發展中呢?不過轉念一想,又發現其實是自己錯了。用母語的程序並沒有什麽不對,誰要自己因爲在香港,就沒怎麽接觸過中文用的程序,大多是用英語所以才導致這種情況的發生。不過前蘇聯國家的人應該同時多用一些英語的程序平臺,和人多交流才好。


吃完飯,我們沒坐多久就又前往Emre外祖父、外祖母的家。那是大約70年代建的老房子,正在搞隔熱系統,所以房子外面有點亂,但是裏面整整齊齊。Emre的外祖父認認真真地告訴我他今年有73嵗了,但是看看他剛才還在外面幫手一起搬建築材料,真不相信啊。正是在那裏地停留,Mustafa向我問了很多關於香港的地位和中國管治的問題,我盡量給這位能操流利英語、經常聼”Beautiful California”的土耳其軍官比較完整的個人分析。他也對我們的舍堂教育非常感興趣,我們的討論很自由、友好,也奠定了我和Mustafa友好關係的基礎。
晚間,買了大約24Lira的甜點作爲禮物帶囘Emre家。他父母非常高興,他父親總是喜歡用幾個英文單詞湊句子,這一次就讓我”You not forget here”。而曾經有一次,他說的是”room hot, windows open”讓我晚上開窗子睡覺,因爲沒有空調、沒有電扇的房間實在太熱了。Emre的媽媽還送了我好些東西。一雙自己織的毛綫襪和一件披肩都是送給我媽媽的,一個nazar boncuğu的裝飾品讓我好挂在新房子裏。而我也成爲了他們的第三個兒子,Emre的弟弟和Murat的哥哥。

下周原定于去Ankara Tıcaret Odasi上班,但是在經濟關係部的工作還沒有結束。Ms Füsun很不想我走。而土耳其最近政局動蕩,由於官僚機構和AKP的對立,加上由於Constitutional Court遲遲未對於AKP的命運下定論,各種政治力量的角逐是顯而易見的。Ankara Tıcaret Odasi的主席星期二剛剛被軍方逮捕。軍方和民間產生了激烈的爭論。TOBB的主席認爲這完全就是對個人尊嚴實施的軍事政變!就這樣,我現在工作的地方,和我即將可能去的地方都捲入了這場政治風波。Ms Füsun又提到今天我們的一位同事剛好因病去世,那神情就好像天塌下來一樣。原本我很想去ATO,尤其想看看政治風波中的人會是如何,不過現在一切都要看明天Ms Füsun和人力資源部主任談的結果了。



到達İzmir只有早上六點多,早的很。乘坐的長途汽車竟然不是在城市的Otogar(長途汽車站)停的車,而是在自己公司的車站内。他們有專門的車子送乘客去市中心。於是在市中心下車,步行前往Cumhuriyet Meydanı(共和國廣場)。共和國廣場位于Atatürk (Kondon) Cad的一側盡頭,就在海邊——幾乎所有的人小時候聼神話故事都聼過的愛琴海。
到達共和國廣場時,太陽已經升起了一會兒,但是月亮還挂在天空。海邊已有人在那裏釣魚。其實這個海邊更確切的說是一個海灣,遙望可以看到對面的海岸與山地。海水藍得透徹,有風,並不平靜。廣場的南面是一個小碼頭,如同天星碼頭那樣,伸入海中。沿著海邊,一直向北走,走過了整個Atatürk Kondon也只不過二十多分鐘,原本計劃準備從Kondon參觀完Atatürk Evi之後一直向南走的旅程,因爲要等到Evi九點開門而不得不推遲。
Atrtürk Evi不大,但是展現了19世紀土耳其富豪的生活。面海、上下兩層、臥室、起居室、客房、書房、餐廳、洗浴室、梳妝室一應俱全,還有各種各樣的家具、裝飾顯得金碧輝煌。那一面面巨大的鏡子又使得空間感更強。據説,以前İzmir海邊到處都是這樣的房子,不過現在沒有幾座了,全都改爲一棟棟九層高,八層住人底下作咖啡館、酒吧的標準海濱風景公寓了。其實那風光,一排公寓,還有那一幕幕百葉窗帘,也是不錯的。
沿海邊回到共和國廣場后,向市中心方向穿過幾條街道就可以到達文化公園。那裏有Tarih ve Sanat Müzesi(歷史與文化博物館)。那個地方的展品實在是很好,收羅了很多İzmir附近出土的各個時期的雕像、陶器和手工藝品。要感謝中學的傅鋼老師,如果不是他的西方美術上的生動,可能也不會有我之後義務支教充當初中美術欣賞老師,也不會有我現在對於這些藝術品的欣賞與喜愛。雖然水平有限,很多東西還説不清、道不明,但是以我所了解的一些基本欣賞技巧,至少使我不致于淪落為一個純粹走馬觀花的看客。只可惜那個地方沒有人什麽參觀,埋沒了那些精致的展品。
現代的İzmir Bazaar(集市)在規模上一點都不比Agora遜色。一間間店鋪,五花八門的商品,熙熙攘攘的人群,還有到處是熱情過頭的店家、小二。原本想在那兒買一件Nazar Bonocuğu(藍眼睛)的挂飾,不過找了半天都沒有合適的。在一家非常齊全的Nazar專賣店裏,竟然得到“那些飾品都是為女士準備的”的答案,令自己苦笑不得。最後只好在另一家鋪子花兩里拉買了一件Nazar的手鏈作紀念。

一早坐小巴從İzmir趕往Selçuk。那是又一個重要的古羅馬遺址Efes(Ephesus)所在地。在車上認識一個叫Ankara Koreli Can.的韓國人,土耳其語系在讀本科,不怎麽會說英語,不過我們用英語和土耳其語混雜著溝通,並決定一同遊覽Efes。
晚上回到İzmir,在一家叫Güneydoğu的小餐館吃飯。這是我第二次在這裡吃了。昨天在這裡吃了Izgara Köfte(烤肉丸),覺得非常好吃,所以今天又來了。而且主人家很和藹可親,做飯時,會不時哼哼小曲。昨天,他的孫子在的時候,覺得他孫子也很可愛,很安靜的坐在一邊聼我和一位食客用德語交談。之後還很主動的幫我跑出去找零錢。今天來一來是吃飯,二來也想同他們祖孫告別。同主人家用土耳其語描述了半天我今天的行程,還問了他孫子在那裏,想跟他們拍照。主人家竟激動得說,那麽多人吃飯,我是第一個想到要和他溝通的。可惜他的孫子不在,沒法同他合影。



和Emre的關係一直很好,他是一個挺虔誠的伊斯蘭教徒,對土耳其國内的很多事情也有自己的見解。以前在港大的時候聼”Islamic Perspective”課的時候,對於伊斯蘭教的認識只是停在表面,和別人的語言中,而現在,則是真正面對了真實的伊斯蘭。確實,伊斯蘭作爲一種宗教,原本並沒有殺戮、恐怖的含義在内。真正的伊斯蘭教徒也不視那些進行殺戮、恐怖活動的人為真正的穆斯林。而在我們的時代,將一個宗教標簽化,不少人將伊斯蘭認爲是恐怖的宗教,將穆斯林當作是恐怖分子,實在是時代的可悲。即便是在伊拉克的遜尼派、什葉派之爭,在某种程度上也不完全是宗教的問題。兩派有分歧,古以有之,但是並非總是有如此的衝突的。
週四自己準備周末的旅行,Emre給了很多建議。雖然Lonely Planet上有很多信息,不過因爲不夠時間從頭到尾的看,有人提一些好的建議,會使該書的使用變得方便、實用許多。Emre中午還同我一起去買車票,實在是關心備至。
今天確實是一個充滿新希望的一天。雖然依然沒有工作,但是下午參加了部門的一個party才知道原來這個星期因爲我們的manager調走了,新manager沒上任,所以才沒什麽工作,下個星期應該會好一些。而聚會則是為新manager接風,為另一位同事過生日(原來土耳其人生日蛋糕上除了蠟燭,還會插焰火棒!)聚會完,遇見Ms. Karaloglu,和她無意中聊起周末去Konya旅行的計劃,她非常熱情地向我介紹她以前的一個Konya來的intern,並聯係她讓她明天接待我。

周末終于來臨,我踏上了前往Konya的旅程。這一次的旅程是伊斯蘭之旅,探尋土耳其境内最爲神秘、也相對較爲保守的伊斯蘭傳統勝地:Konya。該城是土耳其第六大城市,因爲這裡是Seljuk empire(塞爾柱帝國)的發源地,並安葬著偉大的Mevlana(梅烏拉那)而聞名。
Ms Birsen去年的實習生Adiya在Konya的長途汽車站(Otogar)等我。她很熱情的向我介紹Konya的一些基本概況,並帶我去她家吃用餐。那是一大家子,她父母、兩對叔父叔母以及她的外祖母都住在那裏。他們家有一個大花園,我們剛到的時候就坐在花園裏有秋千的地方,品嘗她叔母和幾個孩子搖晃門前大樹落下的那些熟透了的dut(桑果)。那些桑果很甜美,不過吃完以後手上全是紫色的汁液,洗也洗不掉。Adiya的母親為我們做了早餐,和Adiya的表弟和親弟弟聊得很快樂。
Adiya帶我前往參觀Mevlana Museum。正如evlana的名言:“來吧,不管你是誰,/就算你可能是/一個無信仰的人、一個異教徒或一個拜火教教徒,來吧。/我們不會讓人失望。/吉市你已經違背/你懺悔一百次的誓言,來吧。”每年都有大量遊客前來參觀。在這裡,那些穆斯林祈求真主的保佑使得他們如願以償。
從Mevlana博物館出來,我們參觀了Koyunoğlu博物館和İnce Minare修道院。前者是一個私人博物館,零亂的存放了各種不同的展品,從化石、出土文物,到土耳其錢幣、Konya老照片,甚至還有一些動物標本。但是這裡的東西和Konya人的生活和文化息息相關,還是值得掃上一眼。可惜前去的人是非常地少。後者則是木器和石雕博物館,在那裏你可以看到Seljuk empire的很多木雕和石雕。那個雙頭鷹的雕刻會使你恍然大悟,原來Konya的市標圖案就來自于這個塞爾柱文化的產物。還有一對天使石刻,明顯是中國人的造型(有書籍說是蒙古人,不過我覺得也很想漢人),非常有趣。但是在我眼中,其實那裏的屋頂花紋和大門妝飾花紋可能比那些展品更有趣。每一個展廳的屋頂都呈現不同的圖案,而這些圖案使人暈眩,一圈圈、一層層,富有神秘色彩。而博物館的宣禮塔則在20世紀初被一次閃電劈掉了一半。
Konya最富特色的是城市到處是不同的Cami(清真寺)。從Alaaddin Camii到Şemsi Tebrizi Camii,甚至有見到把警察局建成清真寺的造型。或者也許是吧一個小清真寺改造成了一個警察局?這些清真寺的都非常有特色,但是我得經驗是,如果再土耳其下午透射一切的強烈陽光下,在好的清真寺也難免流于普通,難於有明暗的光線對比和神祕感。但是在晚飯后的夕陽下,你的照片會變得非常有韻味。(土耳其夏季的白晝很長,夏令時的晚上七八點鐘依然能見到夕陽,有足夠時間瀏覽一些清真寺並拍照。)
夜晚,懷著崇敬的心情前去看著名的Sema(旋轉托鉢僧儀式)——自從去年的梅夫拉那節之後,每星期六在Konya Kültür Merkezi(Konya文化廣場)都有免費演出。早前就聼人說那時一個很無聊、不很精彩的節目。但是我想,你觀看Sema的時候一定要記住這是一個宗教儀式,那些Sema Zen(旋轉托鉢僧,自從Atatürk認爲Dervish阻礙了土耳其的發展,下了禁令之後,即使因爲保護文化遺產而留存旋轉托鉢僧已失去了在奧斯曼帝國的政治地位,因爲也不再被稱爲Dervish,而改稱Sema Zen)不是在表演,而是從儀式中使自己同真主阿拉有更深層次的結合。那些Sema Zen在旋轉時確實如同一朵朵白色的鮮花盛開,他們是將自己深深地奉獻給了真主。在我觀看的表演中,還有幾個孩子,其中一個看上其可能只有不到十嵗。雖然現在的公開Sema大多只是一種表演,但是如果讓一個十嵗的孩子參與到這樣的表演中,可見其父母對於他的期望、對於真主的敬愛和對於教派的深信不疑。宗教對於人的影響(有時也許是束縛)如此之大——也無怪乎Atatürk當時覺得Dervish的保守會阻礙現代土耳其的發展了。

總體來説,遊覽Konya並不需要兩天的時間。集中的話,一天就夠了。所以今天我獨自前往Sille,Konya附近的一個小村莊。那裏有兩座小教堂。其中一座是圓頂的拜占庭教堂Ayaelena Kilisesi(聖海倫教堂),是君士坦丁大帝的母親創建的,20世紀被當作了清真寺來使用。粗粗看,教堂並不起眼,主要是未經雕琢的石塊砌成,也不宏偉高大,但是卻可在那粗糙的外墻上找到一些精細雕琢的石塊,呈現比較明顯的基督教文明特徵。
在Sille的會是非常短暫的,儅你登上Küçük Kilese(小教堂)附近的山頭,眺望周圍的依山而建的鎮上的房屋,和一些特殊的山洞,在Sille的旅程也就差不多結束了。
該制鞋作坊位于Konya的鞋城Aykent Ayakkabıcılar Sitesi,幾乎全部是清一色的手工小作坊。每個作坊都有自己的牌子,不少鞋會被運到中國再處理、加工。參觀男主人Osman Çalışır的制鞋作坊時,感覺就像是溫州人早期的那種私人企業一樣。在工廠坐到了下午,幫他搬運貨物,還有機會騎自行車在謝城兜風!下午由他把我送往Otogar(長途汽車站),自己去Samsung送貨去了。
回到Ankara已是晚上八點半。路人指點坐dolmuş(小巴)囘Bilkent University, 不過車子只經過Bilkent鎮,並不到大學,害得我自己負重前進,大約花了一個多小時才回到宿舍。不過倒是是我更爲熟悉Bilkent周圍的交通道路了。


這次搭載航班有一個很好的鄰座,Alex。聽説他是格魯吉亞人(Georgian),知道Georgia和Russia的關係素來不好,我就提到一句:Georgian uses a different language from Russia, right? 果然,Alex很自豪的說:Yes, we use Georgian. We are not Russian. 我立刻暫時閉口不談政治,準備熟悉些后再討論。一路上Alex對我非常友善,問了我很多問題。我們探討了中國大陸、香港的物價差異(他在韓國、上海做生意,這次是剛從上海飛到香港休假,準備經Istanbul回國),也談到了各自的家庭和我前往Turkey的ILOP項目。第一次餐飯供應時,他又問了我一次名字,然後祈禱。他說他為我也祈禱了。飛到天上,離上帝就近了,所以他祈禱上帝保佑我們平安。因爲他知道我不信教,他還特意解釋,儅人的閲歷深了,慢慢地就會覺得神是存在的,你自然就會信了。他以前不信教,生活中有很多挫折和苦難,信教后,生活有了很大的改觀。現在他是一個有三個孩子的父親,今年32嵗。
抵達Ankara之後,發現除了Atatürk之外,Ankara大部分地方視野都十分開闊。從機場接我的司機Tumus基本不會說英語,但是我們在車上用運動和音樂建立了非常友好的關係。之後他還帶我去換Yeni Türk Lirası,對我非常友好。
今天在TOBB認識的另外兩個比較重要的同事就是Burak和Hılal。前者是Bilkent Üniversitesi的在讀學生,在TOBB實習,會說英語。他陪我吃了午餐,又和Tumus陪我去買Sim卡,囘宿舍。而後者在秘書処工作,會說一點兒英語。
我住在Bilkent Ünıversitesi Dorm 75 Z30,這裡的環境很好,房間佈置也非常簡約舒適。只不過幾乎所有的宿舍管理員都不會說英語。我的第一頓晚餐由於和宿舍小賣部的人完全無法溝通,所以一個YTL0.6的硬麵包收場,非常慘淡。
夜晚去了computer center,終于在土耳其上到網了,才發現由於土耳其文字母同英文有些差異,所以鍵盤也多出一些鍵來,有些特殊符號如@在土耳其鍵盤上就要用Alt(right)+Q來輸入。

對於此次土耳其之行,除了實習之外的一大任務就是獨身徒步旅行。因此到達Ankara的第二天,我就決定沿著Atatürk Buvarıl這條南北貫通全城的主幹道自南向北前進,前往老城區Ulus。
步行的起點是靠近我工作的TOBB不遠的Tunus公交車站。一路上,發現Atatürk Buvarıl有四多:天橋多,Atatürk的雕像多,賣土耳其麵包(Ekmek)的多,公共噴泉多。因爲Atatürk Buvarıl為城市主幹道,所以比較寬闊,所以有很多橫跨Atatürk Buvarıl的天橋。Atatürk的雕像多也很正常,因爲作爲開國元勳,Atatürk至今在土耳其人心中仍然有非常重的象徵意義。而賣Ekmek的,都是用統一的小車,清晨去一般都寫著”3 Tane 1 YTL” (1新里拉3個)。我下午四點多在Ulus廣場附近向一個啞巴用1YTL買了4個,當時還以爲挺便宜,不過沒走多遠就發現這時候大多數都改爲”4 Tane 1 YTL” ,最誇張的我有看到”7 Tane 1 YTL”!也許是因爲土耳其的夏天太熱,沿著Atatürk Buvarıl,一路上可以見到很多公共開放的噴泉,在炎熱的夏日午後走在大街上,這些噴泉給與人們非常必要的清涼。
剛剛走到Opera House,進入Ulus的地界,我就離開Atatürk Buvarıl去尋找一個個散落在舊城區的古跡。由於舊城區改造,以及Lonely planet上的地圖對於Ulus的街道標註的不夠詳細,我已進入Ulus就差不多迷失了方向。而Ulus的居民似乎也對他們這個地區的古跡不夠了解,每當我問路時,總是一群人討論良久,結果還是給出一個和上一群人完全不同的方向。不過在Hasırcılar Sk上遇到的兩個會說“你好”的家具店店員,在İçki Kötülüklerin Anasıdır附近的幾個談論時事新聞的男人和一個誤以爲我是日本人的男子(之後才發現,不少土耳其人都以爲我是日本人,不知是不是中國來土耳其的簽證太難簽,中國旅行者很少的緣故)讓我比較順利地找到了Arslanhane Camii這個Ankara境内歷史最有悠久的清真寺。不過如果不是如此,我也不會之後被沉痛地被“騙”走20YTL。
在參觀完Arslanhane Camii,一群一群的土耳其孩子嚷著要我拍照。頭兩群孩子拍完照興高采烈地走了,第三群孩子中的一個追上來比劃著,要帶我前去城堡參觀,之後又有兩個孩子一起加入。有當地人帶路果然就是不一樣,速度一下子提高了不少。很快就到了山頂的一個城堡,那裏正在舉行城堡節(Ankara Kalesi Festivaline Foşgeldiniz)。在城堡上,整個Ankara的景色盡收眼底,這個地方遊人卻不多,真是風光無限好,只是無人識。
他們問我吃不吃冰淇淋,我想,小孩子陪了我那麽一會兒,我也該獎勵一下他們,於是便跟他們去了附近的一家咖啡店,進了門,才感覺有點怪,他們和老闆娘打招呼,說有遊客來了(visitor一詞,我還是挺得懂的),上了菜譜更是恐怖,正常的土耳其餐館主食也就3-4YTL,這裡可都是20YTL左右。幾個小孩子這時候讓這要7YTL的冰淇淋,一人一份,那就是28YTL,真是天價。最後我提出了兩人買一份的建議,就此花了14YTL。我們選了一個靠窗俯瞰Ankara的座位,他們用蹩腳的英語問我喜不喜歡足球,有告訴我自己在那裏上學。吃完了冰淇淋,付了帳,他們竟又提出要給他們錢。我想,那麽也應該吧,就往口袋裏摸硬幣。沒想到,他們竟然指指我的錢包,要10YTL! 天哪,這是搶劫啊!我的態度不得不強硬了一點點,討價還價,給了6YTL,對我來説這20YTL已經是我的忍受極限了。沒想到,他們便一路同我磨,直到我出了城堡還專程追上來,用不成句的英語說:”You and me, 5 YTL.”這些土耳其小孩的形象在我心裏徹底盡毀了。和他們的父輩們相比,他們繼承了熱情的一面,可惜卻學會了巧取豪奪。
離開了城堡節,沿著Hisarparkı Cad向上爬,看過了一処古羅馬劇院遺址和另一座城堡。在城堡的頂端,讓一位穆斯林大嬸幫我拍照。她是我唯一在附近看到的人,結果者大約是大嬸第一次用照相機,技術實在不行,怎麽都拍不到城堡的頂端。
之後前往拜訪了Hacı Bayram Camii。這是一座非常有名的清真寺,在Ankara地位舉足輕重。據説Byram是一位穆斯林“聖徒”,在大約1400年建立了Bayramiye苦行教派。清真寺開放的小小區域有一大五小六個棺材。所有進入該清真寺的人都虔誠的作著禱告。
在Hacı Bayram Camii遇見了一群大陸來Istanbul出差的人,和他們一起又前往了Ulus廣場看Atatürk的起碼雕像和Jüryanus Sütunu(尤利安石柱)。之後便沿著Atatürl Bulvarı向南囘走。本想在Gençlik Parkı享受俄式茶飲,不過那裏正在進行改造,茶座沒有了。於是便在臨近的Cumhuriyet Parkı享受一下Ankara下午五點的陽光,結果引來一群群土耳其人注視的目光。

從他口中知道之前Ankara有嚴重的缺水問題,好在今年從附近的河流引水過來,才緩解了供水緊缺。我們有討論了Constitution Court反對總理提出的取消大學婦女頭巾禁令的風波。11人的Constitution Court反對這項提議,非常不符合邏輯,完全是出於政治上推翻執政黨AK的考慮。當然,他說北京這座城市,之前完全沒有聽到過,完全是今年辦奧運,才出了名,倒是上海歷來有些名氣。看來上海在世界上還是歷來有些地位的。
今天原本想休息一下,不過最後還是決定不要浪費時間,出去轉轉。和Mustafa吃完他媽媽做的一些早點之後,我就決定前往Anıt Kabir(國父紀念陵園)。同樣是從Tunus Cad出發,到達Atatürk Meydanı沿著İsmet İnönü Bulvarı向西走,這才發現,這一帶全部是軍事禁區。海陸空軍的總部就在兩旁擺列著。沿途可以看到各式各樣象徵土耳其人民對Atatürk表示崇拜的雕塑,很多雕塑讓人想起了工農兵時代的中國雕塑。不過就算這些雕像在吸引你,也千萬不要拍照。拍照很容易被爲數不少的荷槍實彈的衛兵發現,他們會及時制止你的。
只有進入了Anıt Kabir,你才會真正了解到土耳其人民對於這位國家元勳的敬愛。靈柩擺放的地方如同古羅馬祭祀的神殿般,莊嚴肅穆。而Atatürk Müze則陳列了Mustafa生前使用過的器具、衣物、藏書。但是真正令人激情澎湃的,恐怕是對於土耳其近代史的大量畫像成列和音響配合。簡而言之,就是土耳其的英雄人民面對英法軍隊,在第一次世界大戰中奮力保衛家園(不再提及土耳其選擇了德國作爲夥伴),而又在Atatürk的帶領下英勇地抵抗希臘侵略者,團結一致,取得了土耳其獨立和自由,將土耳其建立成一個自由、強大的國度。——這段描述,會不會讓你感受到什麽呢?是不是很像我們國家呢?我親眼見到,博物館解説激情澎湃、滿懷憤怒地向一群看上去只有小學一二年級的小朋友揭露希臘人的惡行。——愛國主義教育在土耳其也是一樣的。現在很多人對愛國主義教育很不屑。叫我說,愛國主義教育,至少在當今世界上仍然是一種必不可少的團結民心、消化民族内部矛盾的重要方式。其本身沒有錯,要樹立正確的歷史觀,不了解自己的國家,對自己的國家、民族沒有感情不行。只不過,在愛國主義教育之外,也要給與人民空間去自己思考。
下午去了Ankara最大的清真寺,Kocatepe Camii。在下午四點四十左右進入清真寺,在那裏一直逗留到五點的祈禱儀式結束。我靜靜地坐在清真寺裏,默默地看著高高地穹頂,沒有神像,因爲伊斯蘭教不是對人崇拜的教。人們陸陸續續地從清真寺外走來,個個顯得非常地平靜。在沒有開始祈禱前,他們坐在那裏,靜靜地聼長老念誦經文。開始祈禱時,一個個走到清真寺的前端,聚集,根據長老的指示虔誠地向麥加方向拜謁,用心去向真主禱告。請寬恕我沒有遵守遊客須知,沒有在他們禱告時離開清真寺,我只是站在清真寺的邊緣,看著他們禱告,之後便是自己的拜謁。身邊一群土耳其小孩在一邊嬉戲,不知是否是笑我動作不標準;幾個晚到的穆斯林,看看我,也沒有趕我走,或許他們看出我不是一般意義的遊客吧。我拜謁,也是在學習和體會什麽是穆斯林,感受他們拜謁真主的虔誠。

Series of "土耳其之旅"

I used to put English articles on this website only. However, I decided to put some Chinese articles here, since they are also important about what I thinks and what I experience. These articles may not describe economical or political issues directly. However, they reflects some economical or political problems.

This edition is a little bit different from others that I've posted on facebook and xiaonei. I try to pick up some of the diaries rather than all of them.

11 June, 2008

Religion, Secularism & Politics

The Constitutional Court of Turkey agreed to consider a case calling for the banning of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and for the prime minister to be barred from office. The prosecutor believes that the AK Party is trying to promote the religion into the secular life. One of the evidence is that AK Party tries to ease the strict ban on the wearing of headscarves in universities.
It is a very interesting case. In Turkey, the bureaucrats want a secular society. As a result, they are quite sensitive towards any move towards a religious life. That is not wrong per se. On the other hands, there are huge amounts of people who hope to keep their religion in life. Most people accept that they at least should have the right to keep religion in their personal life, which is widely accepted by the criterion of the modern civilization.
The problem lies in the logic that accuses the act to ease the ban on headscarves in universities as a kind of mixing religion with secular life. The university is a public place, but it does not mean that everything related to the university is a public issue. Among those issues, wearing is of course a kind of private thing. Even if someone may use the crisis when Prince Harry wore Nazi costume several years ago to argue that wearing may become a public issue. The difference is that Harry’s case is immoral according to the standard of modern civilization, but the latter has no such problem. “What is the difference between having headscarves in shops or on streets and at a university?” Hannes Swoboda, vice chairman of the Socialist group in the European Parliament commented.
It would be rather confusing if the right to wear headscarves is deprived, how can we understand the freedom of religion in modern world?
The decision of the Constitutional Court of Turkey is thus quite political. The bureaucrats in Turkey always have strong opposition towards religious politicians. Since 19070s, Turkey has shut at least four pro-Islamic parties. Among them are army and a lot of judges. The crisis has lasted for months. The final decision of the Constitutional Court of Turkey this time may become a decisive step which influences the entry of EU and the international trust towards Turkish government.

03 May, 2008

The Rules and Arts of Protests

There were protests yesterday. Is it something surprising? It is at least not to me. Many media had reported the possible protests in advance. I was well informed of that.

However, the focus of the protests was not on the content of the protests per se. Most of the discussions fell on the topic of how the protesters were treated. This is also quite reasonable since freedom of speech and demonstration become two critical indices of democracy of society.

This short essay is not trying to comment on particular events happened these days, but is trying to illustrate the acceptance of protests in my ideas.

Anyone with a little knowledge of liberalism or democracy may not easily deny the basic rights of freedom of speech and demonstration. However, the problem is how to protests? Are there any restrictions on protests?

The democratic society in my heart is a society properly protecting the fundamental freedom while reconciling conflicts in some ways. On one hand, protecting the fundamental freedom is important since this is what makes a civilized society differ from an uncivilized one. However, reconciling conflicts is also important. To make sure that the interest of the majority population is protected, the certain actions from the minorities or individuals should be advised to be conducted according to certain rules and regulations. That is the basic spirit of the law. The law by nature is not restricting people’s rights, but to guide a proper behavior of individuals to enjoy their own rights without interfering in the rights of other people.

As a result, the right of protests should be respected under the conditions of proper time and proper manners. However, the interpretation of proper time and proper manners differs at least at three aspects.

For the protesters, the effect of the protests is usually upheld firmly. How to get the attention and how to achieve their aim of propaganda is what they concern most.

For the people who might be interfered by the protesters (if the protests interrupt their work, influence their ordinary life or so), the biggest wish might be getting rid of the disturbance. They might have expectations on the government.

For the government, a proper attitude should be a check on the manner of the protesters and the protest, rather than the context of the protest. The reason behind is that the government probably may not be able to deter a protest due to the principle of respecting the freedom of speech and demonstration. However, to protect both parties, the protesters and the other people influenced, the government has the responsibility to make sure the protests are well organized and minimize the impact of influencing the public interest.

Up to now, the discussion hasn’t touched a very important word: tolerance. That is the key element that influences the degree of the definition of “proper manner”. If the other people who have been influenced by the protesters have sufficient tolerance, then there is still possibility for the protesters to test their “riskier” manners. If the public does not have a high level of tolerance, the most possible result is the conflict from the two groups and the government has to interfere to bear the public governance. To some extent, at least in the short run, it should be regarded as the endowment. But in the long run, the tolerance of society may change.

Tolerance per se is an abstract concept which may be quite difficult to measure. The way to illustrate the tolerance may also need to be discussed more carefully. However, when discussing a certain issue, the rights of different groups of people should be well protected. However, if some people try to make use of chances to express other issues, the rights of them may be sometimes judged by the tolerance level of others. The reason is directly related to the influence of the public life. When different groups of people are having different opinions on the same issue, the rights of freedom of speech justify the actions adopted by all parties. When a group of people are taking advantage of some public events to gain the attraction of a not direct relevant topic, they interfere in the public events first and thus their fate might only depend on the public tolerance finally.

In my opinion, there are rules for the protests. The protesters might acquire the arts of protests to enjoy their rights better in any kinds of society.

The Torch Relay (Update 1)

After weeks of tour, the Olympic torch finally reached Hong Kong. I hesitated a little bit whether to go or not since I have final examinations next week. However, the continuous protests from westerners, Tibetans, and even some Chinese stimulated my interest to have a look at the reaction of the people in Hong Kong towards the Olympic Games and to seek the meaning of the torch relay myself.

I arrived at Admiralty at about 14:45. There were already groups of people. Some were in red and were distributing national flags, SAR flags, labels… anything related to Olympics. “Add oil, China!” – Several mainlanders holding high a piece of national flag yelled with excitement. Policemen were quite alert on the surroundings and tried to direct people into designated spectators’ area.

The waiting people were increasing tens and hundreds. I could already move in no way. Hundreds of people were waiting along the street and even on the over-bridge and towers. Each time a police-motorcycle passed, there were cheers from the crowds, “ka-ka”s from the shutters and waving of the flags.

Finally, the roads were nearly clear with few cars passing by. We knew that the torch was approaching. Advertisement cars, police-motorcycles, buses with bearers of the torch relay for other streets and finally, finally, the torch! The torch was coming!

Cheers, “ka-ka”s from the shutters and waving of the flags were everywhere. The bearer smiled and waved to everyone along the street. And a few seconds later, there were only the shadows of the police-motorcycle again.

Children were still waiting for something curious and funny. Parents and adults knew that what they wanted to see finished already. But maybe they could go to someplace else to see more. The crowds began to disperse. Most people entered the metro and got on the underground train to Wanchai – the destination of the torch relay.

I joined them, reviewing my feeling in the past several hours. I was excited for hours and then suddenly became very calm during that several seconds. To be frank, I could even feel a little bit disappointed since I was suddenly aware that the several seconds might not leave anything but just several photos.

Along my way to Wanchai, my passion returned and took photos of those red seas, the old, the young, the students, the workers, the posters and the advertisements. When I passed the Hennessy Road and saw the banner with four big Chinese characters, “ADD OIL, CHINA” (加油中國), my tears were lingering on my eyes!

The following several hours were occupied by crowds in my eyesight. Everywhere was red. Everywhere was excited. Why those people were so excited? Why those people were so exciting?

“Exciting”? Right! Now I came to understand. The torch relay per se may not be that exciting. Just a bearer with a nice torch, that’s it. How can it inspire such strong feeling and emotion? The people are exciting because of you. You are exciting because of others. This reciprocal procedure starts from just a slight push, a symbolic meaning of the secrete flame!

No matter how disturbing the protesters are, at least most people will be happy and excited. They are not excited about the ceremonies and relays per se. They are not excited about seeing the “famous” bearers as well. They are excited on the intrinsic nature of holding of the Olympic: a recognized rising motherland. As a result, that is also why those protesters are disturbing. They are spoiling the extrinsic appearance of the activities with no added value on the intrinsic nature. Thus they are doing something at least at the wrong time and in the wrong manner. (I should write another article to have a deeper check at it.)

There may be criticism that the atmosphere was maneuvered by the commercialized advertisements, posters and promotions. However, most people are always clever. They are enjoying their own excitement. The atmosphere won’t control them. It is just a brush of paint from some other people.

12 April, 2008

Turn to History before You Speak

After the Tibet riot in March, the bombs from western government and media finally explode. However, the fuse here is not the Olympic Game to be held in Beijing. Those who propagate an independent Tibet have made good use of the torch rally outside China and created a perfect chance for the western government and media to put pressure on Chinese government on not merely the Tibet issue.
This is politics, rather than pure human rights, sovereignty or anything else. The reason I say so is based on the fact that facts and history are not upheld at the first position before those people who speak out or protest. The fame of the western “free” and “independent” media is to some extent destroyed by their biased report. Some obvious evidence is provided by www.anti-cnn.com.
It is also quite regretful that many people support the protest against the torch rally without a clear knowledge of the relationship between Olympic and politics and the history of the complex Tibet issue.
Although the governments of many countries recognize that Tibet is a part of China, many ordinary people do not really understand why. What more, the long history of the Dalai Lama’s biased propaganda and the distrust of the communist regime due to the historical reasons made the westerners stand out without really look into the issue.
The complexity of the Tibet problem is not something can be simply illustrated by the nationalism or the separatism. There are a lot more behind.
How to find out the truth? If you don’t trust the viewpoint from Chinese Han, then you should not trust the viewpoint from exiled Tibetans. The reason rises from the possible bias which you fear that might mislead you. Go back to read those third parties’ description and introduction about the issues happening at their own times.
I come across an article about the establishment of the present Gelug branch of the Tibetan Buddhism. Although it is in Chinese, it refers to a lot of authoritative western scholars’ research and experience. I would like to regard it as quite neutral. You can find it at
If you cannot read Chinese, I hope that you can try to read several books:
1. Tucci, Giuseppi, Tibetan Painted Scrolls, Libreria dello Sta to, Rome, 1949
2. Petech, Luciano, China and Tibet in the Early XVIIIth Century: History of the Establishment of Chinese Protectorate in Tibet, 2nd Ed. T'oung Pao Monographie I,E.J.Brill, Leiden 1972
3. Goldstein, Melvyn C. A History of Modern Tibet,University of California 1989
Do remember to turn to history before you speak.

24 March, 2008

A General Discussion on Exploitation of Foreign Domestic Workers (FDWs)

The three-tier transfer of reproductive labour theory describes a general picture of demand and supply of domestic workers. The middle- and up-class women in rich countries employ foreign domestic workers to free themselves from household chores. The corresponding positions left in the home of those foreign domestic workers are filled by other poorer domestic workers living in the local area. In this demand and supply chain of reproductive labour, does exploitation exist?
This problem can be examined from two aspects: economic exploitation and non-economic exploitation.
The economic exploitation is mainly related to the compensation to the domestic workers. Whether they are paid sufficiently? It seems that those who work as hourly-paid domestic workers are local people. Here we just discuss those live-in domestic workers, among which many are foreign domestic workers.
Live-in domestic workers are perceived to work flexibly according to the demand of the employer. As a result, the blur of the working period may easily cause abnormal long-hour working. The problem rises from two reasons. When talking about the nature of the job, as a kind of reproductive worker, they are supposed to work in order to sustain the productive labour force. The underlining meaning is that usually they need to work when productive workers do not work. When talking about the time of the job, since the workers live in the employers’ family all around clock, it will be very difficult to divide working hour from personal leisure time.
Contract is thus important for those domestic workers under so many uncertainties. In Hong Kong, minimum wage policy is implemented to protect foreign domestic workers. However, minimum wage should be a reference reflecting average wage rate of a foreign domestic workers. Domestic workers should be compensated according to the type of families they are working for. For instance, the live-in domestic workers should be paid more if they are in attendance on a baby or an elderly people of incapacity. In reality, many contracts are formulized and signed without personalization. The minimum wage becomes a fixed wage for many foreign domestic workers.
To solve the problem, a strong bargaining power is important. However, the absence of the bargaining power is due to the flexible nature of the job. It will be difficult to unite different domestic workers to ask for a better wage. Therefore, many foreign domestic workers are under paid in this sense.
Apart from insufficient compensation, the non-economic exploitation also exists. The non-economic exploitation is usually related to the requirement of the domestic workers. The image of the domestic workers generally can be required as a maid. As a result, obedience is generally perceived as a basic quality for a qualified live-in domestic worker. To fit in the position, many foreign domestic workers have to follow whatever the employers ask them to do. The fixed time of getting-up and the designated place to sleep or sit are just a few examples. Sometimes, some requirement with a little humiliation may also be accepted as a demand from the master. The dignity of a human being is exploited to some extent.

02 February, 2008

Interesting Discovery from HK Projected Population (Update 1)

Recently hall mates have been disturbed by the trend of the population proportion by sex in HKU and the real proportion of our hall. Girls seem to be much more than boys in the years to come. However, some of the students take the reference on the present “Hong Kong Resident Population by quinquennial age group, sex and whereabouts at reference moment” , 2006, and argue that since number of boys in the age group 15-19 and even 10-14 is much larger than that of girls, the future trend of proportion by sex will reverse in the university, i.e. the university will enroll more boys than girls.
The conclusion seems to be persuasive under the support of data. However, it is a common misinterpretation of data. The misinterpretation is not on whether the population of whole Hong Kong residents can be used to mimic the population in HKU is questionable per se. It is the static use of dynamic data in the centre of the question.
The assumption of the previous conclusion is that the proportion of residents by sex will not change as they grow over the years. This may be true to some of the age groups. However, in HK, it is definitely not the case for age group of 15-24.
From the same source, government of Hong Kong provided the “Projected mid-year population by age group and sex, 2007-2036” . A close check on those projected data, you can find that for all those years, age group of 15-19 has the property of more boys than girls. However, more girls are predicted in age group of 20-24 than boys. For instance, there will be 215.3 thousand boys and 207.1 thousand girls in age group 15-19. On the contrary, there will be 222.8 thousand boys and 278.0 thousand girls in age group of 20-24. After 5 years, in 2017, the numbers of boys and girls in age group 15-19 are 170.6 and 162.2 thousand separately. However, the numbers in age group 20-24 will be 212.1 and 272.8 thousand separately.
The above evidence shows that the population of age group 15-19 is not necessarily become the population of age group 20-24. The difference between boys and girls will change dramatically. A detailed look at the dramatic change is the sudden increase of female at age group 20-24.
A good explanation of this sudden increase can be found in “Hong Kong Resident Population by Duration of Residence in HK, Ethnicity, Quinquennial Age Group and Sex, 2006Hong Kong Resident Population by Duration of Residence in HK, Ethnicity, Quinquennial Age Group and Sex, 2006” (called New Resident Population in the following) which gives us the detailed number of new residents in HK by age group and sex. At the year 2006, the number of new residents who have lived in HK from 1 year to 5 years in age group 20-24 is 38282. Among these new residents, only 4797 are male and the rest 30000 plus are female. That means the new residents are mainly female which convert the difference of male and female at age group 14-19 5 years ago.
The more interesting thing can be found by decomposed the ethnicity of these new residents. It will help to proof the other falsification of assumption: the population of whole Hong Kong residents can be used to mimic the population in HKU.
Following are part of the data from “New Resident Population”:
Duration in HK <1year:
Age group/Sex Chinese Filipino Indonesian Japanese Nepalese Thai Indian
20 - 24 Male 1262 31 1 10 40 - 52
Female 1758 2923 6535 40 40 52 108
Both sexes 3020 2954 6536 50 80 52 160
Duration in HK from 1 to 2 years:
Age group/Sex Chinese Filipino Indonesian Japanese Nepalese Thai Indian
20 - 24 Male 505 11 10 21 40 - 30
Female 987 1513 5285 10 96 38 153
Both sexes 1492 1524 5295 31 136 38 183
Duration in HK from 2 to 3 years:
Age group/Sex Chinese Filipino Indonesian Japanese Nepalese Thai Indian
20 - 24 Male 524 14 30 10 42 - 20
Female 891 1034 3885 10 60 60 30
Both sexes 1415 1048 3915 20 102 60 50
Duration in HK from 3 to 4 years:
Age group/Sex Chinese Filipino Indonesian Japanese Nepalese Thai Indian
20 - 24 Male 684 - - - 21 - 1
Female 899 500 2642 - 104 55 10
Both sexes 1583 500 2642 - 125 55 11
Duration in HK from 4 to 5 years:
Age group/Sex Chinese Filipino Indonesian Japanese Nepalese Thai Indian
20 - 24 Male 851 10 - - 19 10 10
Female 1197 315 1397 - 111 23 5
Both sexes 2048 325 1397 - 130 33 15
It is quite clear that in most years new residents are from Indonesia, China and Philippines. Apart from some of the Chinese new residents who are pursuing bachelor degree in HK due to the agreement and policies between Mainland China and HKSAR, most of the new residents may not study in a university. The inflow of so many Indonesian and Philippines are mainly digested in the domestic service industry and restaurant industry. As a result, the population of whole Hong Kong residents cannot be used to mimic the population in HKU.